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Here is a Sample Bali Tour Itinerary

Selamat datang!  We would like to share some information about our exclusive tours.  We feel this is truly a trip of a lifetime and as such, we are happy to accommodate special interests and alternative activities.  Most of our tours are 12 fun filled days but we do offer customized tours as well.  Just tell us your passion and your ideas for your own perfect tour and we can help you design it.

Here is a recent itinerary that we can use as a guide for your tour and customize it any way you like. Contact us today to start designing your best vacation ever!

12 Day Bali Tour 

Tour Begins~  Jimbaran Beach ~  South Bali, Indonesia

Day 1- Arrive at Pat Mase Villa in Jimbaran Beach – Relax.  Pat Mase is a luxury villa with private pool. Possible visit to Cozy for world-class massage

Day 2- Breakfast in Villa. Massage at Cozy Spa.  Jimbaran Beach front Sunset Dinner.  West Bali National Park

Bali tour guide bestBali Bird Park offers up close and personal experiences with thousands of rare birdsDay 3- Leave early AM to West Bali National Park.  Brunch ~Check into Menjangan Resort ~Relax, enjoy the beach, or you can Kayak though the mangrove maze. Go for it on your own, or with a guide to explore the best of the bay.

Take a glass boat and venture out on the water. See schools of fish, starfish and coral without getting wet. A great option for those less confident in the water

Day 4- Breakfast.  Relax Cruise on board 25 meter Phinisi yacht chartered especially for our group.  Cruising around Menjangan Island, dive or snorkel in this incredible reef, vibrant and bursting with life. Our guides will show you the best spots while they point out the weird and wonderful life forms that thrive on the reef.  Considered the best snorkeling and Diving in Bali. Lunch on board.

Day 5- Early Breakfast

Explore the jungle on foot. Trained guides share their secrets, find out which leafs to use for antiseptic and which one to grab for the perfect manicure. Discover some of the best views, only reachable on foot. Keep quiet to discover the Menjangan, a unique species of deer whom the resort borrows its name from. Chance upon a monitor lizard sunning himself on a warm rock or a family of monkeys in search of lunch. Our guides can answer questions about our conservation projects and jungle life. This is a great introduction to Menjangan National Park.

Dinner- Enjoy the traditional Nasi Kampung Pejarakan meal at the Bali Tower. This local specialty is made from regional ingredients and is traditionally eaten with only your hands. Served on the fourth floor overlooking the jungle.

Your Bali Tour continues to Ubud, Bali's cultural center

Day 6- Breakfast.  Driving toward Ubud.  Passing the famous Lake Batur and Ulundanu Temple.  Check in Tegal Sari Hotel.  Late lunch at Ibu Oka famous suckling pig.  Massage at Ubud Body Works.  Free Night

Day 7- Breakfast.  Relaxation Day.  Enjoy town on your own.  I will give you list of places to visit in Ubud.  Kecak Monkey and Fire dance at night.

bali vacation culture villaDay 8- Breakfast.  Two hour white water rafting adventure, visually spectacular rafting trip down the Ayung River is made even more enjoyable and comfortable by the brand new industry leading, safety approved equipment. This adventure for guests of all ages is a mix of wild excitement, breath taking views and well guided, informative, sightseeing.

As you carve through some of Bali’s most appealing landscape, the Ayung River provides a thrill that begins the moment you push of from the riverbanks. You will wind through deep valleys with cascading waterfalls and towering cliffs of prehistoric significance.

On the more leisurely stretches through tropical forests you will see Hindu shrines that are brightly decorated on ceremonial days of prayer.  Then Lunch

Afternoon and Evening Free we can visit cafe Lotus or just relax by the pool

Day 9- Breakfast.  This is the day where you can pursue more of Balinese Culture.  We explore this by providing you with some activities related to Balinese culture : Balinese Cooking Class and Batik painting Class or Wood Carving Class.  Or Visit Museum Neka, Antonio Blanco Museum or Shopping at Ubud market.

Day 10- Breakfast early AM.  Trip to the east part of Bali.  We will be visiting the Holiest temple to the Balinese – Besakih Mother Temple

Tirta Gangga Tirtagangga royal Watergarden is composed mainly by water, plants and sculptures. It is situated in the middle of rice fields around the natural springs of Rejasa, approximately 7 km. (5 miles) north of Amlapura, the main town of east Bali, Indonesia.

It belongs to the Royal Family of Karangasem (Maryam’s great grandmother from her father side is one of daughters of the King from Karangasem)

The water from one of the natural springs of Tirtagangga has always been regarded as holy. It is used for religious ceremonies in the temples of this area still today..  At certain celebration days the people from the surrounding villages will come in colorful processions with offerings, umbrellas, flags and other attributes. Led by their temple priest they hold ceremonies around the spring under the sounds of hymns and the music of the beleganjur.  Lunch at Lotus Candi Dasa

Goa Lawah ~ This is a very popular tourist attraction and, as the bats are protected by law, the cave is over run with them. A distinct aroma of bat guano exudes from the cave and the roofs of the temple shrines in front of the cave are liberally coated with bat droppings. Superficially, the temple is small and unimpressive, but it is very old and of great significance to the Balinese as it was founded in 1007 by Empu Kuturan. Goa Lawah Temple is one of the island's nine special Sad Kahyangan Temples, and as such it is the designated holy place to honor the God Maheswara, who resides in this section of the island. Religious processions visit the temple every day, and it is a particular focus for religious rites associated with death.

In front of the cave are small shrines of a Shivaite temple guarding the cave's entrance. This site has been worshipped since around 1000 AD, and was founded by an itinerant holy man, named Resi Markandya (a holy priest from Java).

The cave is also said to lead all the way to Pura Goa in Besakih, some 30 km away, but nobody in recent times has volunteered to confirm this since the fruit bats provide sustenance for the legendary giant snake, Naga Basuki, which is also believed to live in the cave. This ancient reptile is believed to be the caretaker of the earth's equilibrium, a belief which stems from pre-Hindu animism.

bali indonesia tours photosIn the 17th century the temple was used as a place of worship by the King of Klungkung and the Bat Cave was also used to test the innocence of people found guilty of breaking the law. When within the kingdom of Mengwi, a dispute ensued between two of the king's descendants, I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung and I Gusti Ketut Agung. The latter was not accepted as the descendant of the King of Mengwi, so he agreed to enter the Bat Cave and if he came out alive he would be recognised as a descendant. The cave at that time also housed, as well as bats, big snakes and other wild animals. According to legend I Gusti Ketut Agung accepted the sentence, entered the cave and finally emerged at Besakih.

True to the judgement of the King of Klungkung, he was recognised as a member of the King of Mengwi's family. When he became a King he was known as I Gusti Ketut Agung Besakih. The records also said that as a result of entering the cave he became deaf. The snakes and other wild animals no longer inhabit the cave, but thousands of bats that remain create a unique and popular attraction.

Day 11-  Breakfast.  Free Day.  Dinner at Indus Ubud~  Other options available as well

Day 12- Breakfast.  Relax at Spa Hati~ Awakening  Packages~ Combination single massage, Body scrub, Body Mask, Jacuzzi, Steam, 90 minutes.  Farewell Dinner at Terazzo

Day 13- Leave for USA

The Following are optional activities:

  1. Bali Marine and Safari Park (they have new baby Elephant here)

     2. The mystery of Trunyan Village, Bali

One of Lake Batur's villages, Trunyan is inaccessible except by boat. At the lakeside you'll be met by a greeting party of locals wanting money. The Trunyan people believe they are Bali Aga, the original inhabitants of Bali. Cremation is not practiced in Trunyan, the dead are simply placed against a sacred tree by the lake, which stops the decomposing body from smelling.

The village of Trunyan is squeezed tightly between the lake and the outer crater rim of Batur, an almighty volcano in Kintamani. This is a Bali Aga village, inhabited by descendants of the original Balinese, the people who predate the arrival of the Hindu Majapahit kingdom in the 16th century.
There are also a couple of traditional Bali Aga-style dwellings, and a large banyan tree, which is said to be more than 1,100 years old. At Kuban sub-village close to Trunyan is a mysterious cemetery that is separated by the lake and accessible only by boat - there is no path along the steep walls of the crater rim. The village of Trunyan itself is situated at the edge of Batur Lake. This location is inaccessible except by boat, and it takes around half an hour across the calm waters.

bali culture tour guideUnlike the Balinese people, the people of Trunyan do not cremate or bury their dead, but just lay them out in bamboo cages to decompose, although strangely there is no stench. A macabre collection of skulls and bones lies on the stone platform and the surrounding areas.The dead bodies don't produce bad smells because of the perfumed scents from a huge Taru Menyan tree growing nearby. Taru means 'tree' and Menyan means 'nice smell'. The name of Trunyan was also derived from these two words. The women from Trunyan are prohibited from going to the cemetery when a dead body is carried there. This follows the deeply rooted belief that if a woman comes to the cemetery while a corpse is being carried there, there will be a disaster in the village, for example a landslide or a volcanic eruption. Such events have been frequent in the village's history, but whether women had anything to do with it is a matter of opinion...

You can visit both the village of Trunyan and the Kuban cemetery by chartered boat from Kedisan. Sadly, nowadays the boat trips are now blatant tourist traps, as touts and guides strongly urge you to donate your cash to the temple project or leave a donation for the dead. These touts ruin an otherwise fascinating experience.

Shopping Trip this is one of Maryam's specialty as she previously worked for a Balinese export company and knows where to find the best deals.  Bali is a paradise for shopping including all kinds of Arts, Silver Jewelry, painting, furniture, ikat, you name it and we can find it for you. We have had past tour participants pay for thier entire trip with the savings they received on the items they purchased while on our Bali Shopping Tour.

There are dozens of more options- just tell us your interests, check our web site, or feel free to do your own research.  We specialize in accommodating all manners of requests.

Of course since this is a customized tour and we will be happy to modify the itinerary based on what your group interests.

Please inquire about specific pricing for your personalized tour.