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Heres a video of our new puppy Bimo.  Click the four arrowed icon in the lower right of the player for a larger view. It may need a minute to load so it runs smoothly.

Bimo means "The Mighty One".  He is a character known not just in Indonesia, but across the whole of India, because he figures in the great Hindu epic, the Mahabharata. Bimo has very distinctive, almost caricature, facial features - a very long nose, for example - and he has long thin arms, each ending in a single large claw. Bimo's face is black, but he's wearing golden clothes.

The stories about Bimo are drawn largely from two great Hindu Indian epics, the Mahabharata and the Ramayana, both written well over two thousand years ago. They have always been widely-known in Indonesia, for Hinduism, with Buddhism, had been the main religions there before Islam became the dominant faith. Like the Mahabharata, Islam came to Java, Indonesia through the maritime trading routes that linked Indonesia to India and the Middle East