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Bali Surf Villas

What if you could own your own surf villa next to one of the best breaks in the world?  What if you could rent out the villa when you are not there to earn a living and gain equity with skyrocketing property values?

Well, that is exactly what we are proud to offer.

Bali surf villa best break

Perfect location

The Purnama Residence Villas in Bali offer private and sustainable luxury in the perfect surfing location. Incredible Keramas surf break is just minutes away from the private villa, which is located in serene beauty away from the overly touristed areas of Bali. Still just a 10 minute ride from nightlife, markets and all the benefits of Sanur. Don’t take our word for it. Here is what Surfline’s Jon Huberman says…

“Once an ultra-secret hideaway of tightlipped Sanur expats, in the past few years, no other spot has received more media attention than Keramas. Whether it's Andy Irons dropping in out of a Helicopter, or any of dozens of international professional surfers adding a section to the latest surf movie, Keramas is no secret anymore. The good news is that Keramas does live up to its' hype. It's an excellent reef break in a classic black sand beach and rice field setting, and in a land of perfect lefts, it's one of a few perfect rights. 

Keramas is a fun right-hander for hot dog surfing when it is smaller. In the past few years, surfers have been pushing the limits of what is considered too big to surf at Keramas. Even on the biggest days of the year, some local and international chargers have been paddling out there, returning with stories, film, and photos of glory.”

Despite boasting one of the best surf spots in the entire country, there are remarkably few places to stay in Ketewel.  Surfers must stay miles away and travel to this incredible break everyday or stay in less than optimal accommodations a bit closer to the surf. 

Balifornian Purnama Villas solves this problem by providing full service affordable luxury villas just minutes from several world-class breaks.

surf villa bali indonesiaThe Purnama Villas by Balifornian offer affordable luxury by the beach

Follow you dream while investing in your future.

Here is what you can expect from a property investment in Bali?

- Last 5-7 years the property market has shown a 20-25% appreciation on land per year in average.

- You can also expect 6-12% yield on investment per year on rental income, supporting your existing income. This trend is not likely to fall as villa demand from tourist markets continue to grow and studies show tourist would much rather stay in a private villa with its own private pool than in a luxury hotel. And the general growth of the Indonesian economy and Bali will continue to be positive again in 2013 ensuring a further positive appreciation value.

~Property in Bali is heavily undervalued, as a comparison 40% less than Thailand.

~Location to maximize capital growth. For example, a new villa even on the outskirts of The Seminyak area bought for $400,000 may grow at 15 per cent per year, whereas a well-located property in an up-and-coming area such as Ketewel, bought at the same price, could grow at 20-25% per cent per year.

~Rental income~ One of the benefits of owning investment property is that you start receiving an income almost straightaway. Some properties in Bali runs at 70-80% occupancy, and the key to this is location, design, as well as a good management company, with a clear rental structure.

~Tax Benefits~ Any legitimate expense incurred in running your investment property should also be tax deductible. For example, if you travel to the property to collect the rent, you can claim a deduction. Alternatively, money paid to a property manager to manage your property is tax deductible. 
Depreciation of the building may also be claimed as a tax deduction.

For full specs and more information click here.

For market research, projections and other figures please click here

Contact us today to find out how you can live and play in paradise and invest in your future!