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Bali Photo of the Day ~ Tirta Empul and The Sacred Springs of Tempak Siring

Salamat Pagi Samua! (Good Morning Everyone)

Today we bring you a photograph from Tempak Siring Temple. Tempak Siring is home to the most holy natural spring in Bali called Pura Titra Empul. Pictured are a local group of Balinese Hindus giving offerings to the sacred springs. After the prayers are completed they will ceremoniously bathe in each of the spouts (except one that remains for the deceased).

Balinese Hindus take part in a ceremony at Tempak Siring Temple, the home of Pura Tirta Empul, the most sacred springs in Bali

Our recent Art and Culture Tour paid a visit to Tirta Empul for a very special private cleansing ceremony. It was very moving and brought several of us to tears. More on the ceremony and Tempak Siring coming soon in a blog post. More photos from Pura Tirta Empul and the sacred springs can be seen here.

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