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Entries in bali tour (37)


Bali Photo of the Day- Tanah Lot Temple


Today's photo of the day is from a recent Bali tour to Tanah Lot temple.

Bali tour participants at Pura Tanah Lot temple in Bali

For more on tours of Bali, special experiences, yoga retreats and more, please see our sister site Bali Floating Leaf Eco-Retreat.


A Visit to a Balinese Healer 

A Visit to a Balinese Healer or Balian~ Photos and Video

A recommended experience on all of our tours and a staple of our Wellness Tours is a visit to a local Balinese healer or Balian (sometimes referred to as a dukun). There are many types and styles of Bali Usada or healing in Bali and it takes some time to find the right method and practitioner.  There are essentially four types of traditional healers in Bali. Very briefly, a Pica or Paica works with objects, The Balian Usada studies the Lontars (ancient sacred texts), The Ketakson who serves as a medium or link between the living and the deceased, and the last group is a combination of some or all of the above.


Some healers use hands on techniques like massage or applied kinesiology to move energy, remove blockages, realign meridians and such. While others employ a less invasive approach to energy work similar to Reiki. And others use offerings, tinctures, holy water, astrology, herbal medicines called Jamu, and other traditional homemade remedies. In most cases it is a mixture of several approaches.
Bali wellness healer yogaA Balinese Healer uses her breath to dissipate to illness
I won't comment here on the efficacy of the treatments or the healers themselves, but I will say that I have witnessed some surprising outcomes over the years. Certainly some healers are more gifted than others, so your milage may vary, but it is always an interesting and worthwhile experience. I have seen some people experience near miraculous results, and some receive no tangible proceeds. It has, however, resulted closer to the former rather than latter.
Bali wellness retreat healerUsing Holy Water, a Balinese Balian blesses our tour participants for a safe and rewarding journey
On a recent Balifornian Culture Tour, two participants wanted to seek the help of a Balinese healer. We didn't have much lead time so our "go-to" healers were not available, but we were able to find one with a good reputation that was willing to see them. She is primarily a Ketakson so she acts as a channel to the other world. Occasionally, when a person dies an offering or ceremony is missing or incomplete. A Ketakson can help in these matters and provide the family with the missing piece to allow the dead to travel safely to the next world. 
Bali tour wellness retreatShafts of light illuminate the healing area where The Balian provides closure for a grieving family
We arrived at her compound and waited in the courtyard with a couple dozen others. She was with a family in the open air "treatment area". There was a grieving family around her listening intently as she channeled a recently deceased loved one. I am a bit more skeptical of the telekinesis style of healing versus a more hands on approach, but she was able to sense details clairvoyantly that surprised us and hit home with the family.
Bali wellness healing retreatA Tour Participant peers into the courtyard where a healing session is taking place

Here is a very brief video of the prayer used in the healing session.

When it was time for our tour participants to receive counsel, they took turns sitting in front of the healer while she recited prayers and blessed them with holy water and flowers. Their palms were read as we translated the healers messages. We were told the reading was accurate and the suggestions were valid.
Bali tour healer wellnessOthers look on as The Healer works with other community members
I have not mentioned the healers name or village as occasionally a healer will gain fame and appointments for the villagers may become more scarce as well as expensive.  If this healer or a practitioner of other forms of traditional Balinese healing is of interest to you, please just contact us.
This is a far from exhaustive recap of the visit and certainly only touches the surface when it comes to Balinese Healing. For more information please contact us directly and we can arrange more specific sessions for you during your visit.



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Bali Photo of the Day ~ Monkey Forest Bridge

Balifornian Photography Tour at Ubud's Sacred Monket Forest

Today I wanted to follow up with a couple additional shots of the Dragon Bridge in Ubud's Sacred Monkey Forest to give you a bit more perspective.

In previous Bali Photo of the Day blog posts, I featured the bridge itself and the Komodo Dragons that protect the Sacred Bathing Temple that the bridge leads to.

Today I wanted to show the Komodo Dragon carvings from the bridge. Here is a wide shot from the bridge overlooking the gorge...

The Dragon Bridge of Bali's Sacred Monkey ForestAnd here is a closer view...

A pair of Komodo Dragons keep watch over the Sacred Bathing Temple of The Monkey ForestAnd here is another shot of the elaborate carving of the Dragon on the bridge...

A detail view of the dragon carving on the bridge in Ubud's Monkey ForestI hope that helps complete the experience for you and come see it for yourself!

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Our Family and Bali’s Royal Family of Karangasem

This is a companion blog post to Bali’s Royal Water Palace~ Taman Ujung Soekasada and focuses more on The Royal Family of Karangasem. To learn more about one of the most beautiful Royal Palaces in Bali and see photos of Maryam returning to her family's Kingly compound, just click here.

Bali’s Royal Family of Karangasem

Bali Travel Tour PalaceThe Raja of Karangasem and his 12 children and three nannies in front of The Balai Gili, Maskerdam in 1922

My wife Maryam, or Putu as we call her, is from the lineage and we are endeavoring to learn more about her family. I have heard many stories; some good, some not so good, and some downright otherworldly. I will try not to speculate and simply discuss some of what we have learned. The photographs below feature Maryam's relatives and I point them out where possible.
Indonesia travel Bali tourI Gusti Bagus Djilantik, the ruler of Karangasem. Lux Fotostudio (Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported)
This is by no means a comprehensive scope of the family’s history and is likely incorrect at times. We are still sifting through piles of documents, photographs, historical records and such and have found and heard many conflicting accounts.


We are asked all the time about Maryam’s Royal connections and we want to be able to tell a more thorough and historically accurate version.


The Kingdom of Karangasem started as a feudal subordinate of the Supreme King of Bali and went on to reign over the largest Kingdom in all of Bali and rule the neighboring island of Lombok as well.


The family’s reign dates back to the 1890’s. I Gusti Gedé Putu served as the Regent of Karangasem from 1849-1890. His third son, I Gusti Gedé Bagus Jelantik, was born in 1887 and became the Raja of the State of Karangasem. With the death of his father and uncle he was installed as The Regent of Karangasem. A position of this magnitude constitutes a royal name. Thus he was crowned with the reign name of Anak Agung Bagus Jelantik I, in December of 1908. This could be loosely translated into Young Great Good Jelantik. Seemingly dozens of Jelantiks would follow.


Royal lineages such as this become quite convoluted as polygamy was the norm and the bloodlines are crossed at times. Kings of the time would have many wives to provide a viable male heir to ensure the continuation of the dynasty. Reportedly, some Kings had as many as 800 wives. Having just one has kept me quite busy. I am not sure how they did it as they also had dozens, if not hundreds, of concubines.


Bali rituals spirituality tourThe men of The Royal Family from Karangasem with attendants (possibly slaves)
The palaces were lively places and served as venues to accept visiting leaders and kings. On the grounds were menageries of all types of wild animals and birds including the now extinct Balinese Tiger. I am unsure of how the following arrived into the compound, or how they lived once they were there, but scholars report many “types of humanity” were represented such as “albino dwarfs and foreigners”.


Balinese culture tour photoThe King and three of his Queens
It was important for the King to be seen as harnessing the power of all of humanity, the beasts as well as the spiritual world. The King needed to look after the well-being of his family and subjects as well as lead them in sacred rituals. 


Bali photographs old tourAnak Agung Gede Djelantik and his younger brothers. He is Maryam's Great Great Great Grandfather.
The photo above is from 1925 and includes Maryam's Great Great Great Grandfather.  Pictured are three of the King's sons. On the left is Anak Agung Ketut Djelantik, in the middle is Anak Agung Gede Djelantik, and Anak Agung Made Djelantik in on the right. Anak Agung Gede Djelantik grew up to become the King and fathered Maryam's Great Great Grandmother who raised Maryam until she was 7 years old.


Bali history tourAnak Agung Made Djelantik Brayawangsa, The Spiritual Leader and the last King of Lombok in 1920
The King of Karagasem was tolerant of other religions and there is a mosque just outside the palace walls of Tama Unjung. When the Kingdom spread to the Muslim island of Lombok there was even more Islamic influence within the Empire.


Bali old accommodationsKing Gusti Bagus Djelantik and his wife at The Karangasem Royal Palace in 1919Bali old photos tourAnak Agung Ketut Djelantik and his assistant in 1865Bali best tour tipsI Gusti Ketut Djelantik with his daughter, The Princess Gusti Ajoe Putu.The photograph above was taken in 1865 by Kinsbergen. It depicts Ketut Djelantik. On his arm is his daughter, The Princess Gusti Ajoe Putu. You can see the King's foot rests firmly on the girl holding the umbrella. This is to signify he is above her and in cotrol of her. In Indonesian culture the feet are considered unclean and one should never point with the foot, step over someone or touch someone with thier foot. Here the King makes a clear statement that this is my daughter, The Princess, elevated on a stool and even with The King and below us are our slaves. This photo was taken in Batavia, which is now called Jakarta, the capitol of Indonesia on Bali's neighboring island of Java.


Bali holiday tour villaAnak Agung Made Djelantik and Anak Agung Ketut Djelantik with The Last King of Lombok (center)I am uncertain who is who in this photo but I believe the two figures seated on the ground are Anak Agung Made Djelantik on the left and Anak Agung Ketut Djelantik on the right. The man in the middle is The Last King of Lombok who is pictured, in his somewhat younger days, four photos above with the impressive beard. Unlike the photo directly above, his feet are not placed on those below him as these are family members and respect is shown. Ketut Djelantik, on the bottom right, looks very much like Maryam's brothers.


Bali retreat center villaI Gusti Bagus Djilantik with his son Anak Agung Gede DjelantikBali yoga kingdom photoI Gusti Bagus Djelantik with his father I Gusti Gede DjelantikPictured above is once again I Gusti Bagus Djelantik. He is with his father I Gusti Gede Djelantik and they are reading sacred manuscripts called Lontar.  They are made of dried palm leaves and pass down knowledge relating to health and healing, astrology, astronomy, homeopathy, religious rules and teaching, sacred rituals, holy formulas, magic, ethics, and the actual and mythical history of the family and of The Indonesian People. They are generally writen in the old Javanese language called Kawi along with ancient Sanskrit written in Devanagri.


Bali health wellness yogaI Gusti Bagus Djelantik, The King of Karangasem
We hesitate to put this information on line as we are uncertain of the lineage and who is who, but we want to share what we have learned. If you have any knowledge of this and care to share it with us, please contact us here.
To learn more about this and our journeys in Indonesia as we build our villa retreat, please sign up for our free newsletter and be eligible for our soft opening friend and family discounts. Click here now!
References and thanks to - and Adrian Vickers. Some photos courtesy of KITLV-Leiden, some Creative Commons. 



Balifornian Photos of the Day ~ Sisters getting friendly in Ubud's Monkey Forest

I had a hard time titling today's photo of the day. "Sisters get intimate in The Monkey Forest" sounded cheap and risque. And I was not going to make any bad "monkeying around" puns. But, today's Bali photos show what a great time two recent tour participants had on our Bali Culture Tour. We took April from Los Angeles and her sister Alyson from New York City to visit our simian friends in one of my favorite places, Ubud's Sacred Monkey Forest.

Bali guided tour MonkeyBali Culture Tour to The Sacred Monkey ForestBali Tour Monkey tripUbud's Sacred Monkey Forest from Balifornian's Bali Culture TourHere is what April and Alyson had to say about their experience.

Thank you so much for organizing such an amazing trip. Everything was truly special and one I will never forget. You guys are not only an amazing tream, but are truly special people. I very much look forward to returning to Bali once your villas are built. Thank you again!- Alyson D. New York

Thank you both so much for a great great trip. You were both really thoughtful and accommodating and we learned so much from you about so many layers of Balinese culture and lifestyle. I will recommend your tour to everyone I know and I wish you both the most success and happiness.- April D. Los Angeles

We want to thank both of them for being such fun and wonderful tour participants and we had a blast with them.

To hear what other tour participants have to say about thier experience on Balifornian Tours check here.

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Happy Travels!

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