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Entries in Bali surf (5)


Bali Photo of the Day ~ Bali Surf and Yoga Retreat

Today's Bali photo comes from a surf outing with our Surf and Yoga Retreat group to Bali's most famous surf break, Uluwatu.

The Bali Surf and Yoga Retreat was run through Bali Floating Leaf Eco Retreat and they provided this amazing image. They also provide surf villas and all you need to have an epic surf vacation in Bali.

For more on surfing in Bali, Uluwatu, awesome surf photos from Bali and insider's tips, just click How to Surf Bali ~ Uluwatu ~ An Illustrated Guide [Photos]

Surfing Bali ~ Tips tricks and Insider Info


Bali Surf Guide ~ Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot is a sacred and beautiful spot to visit for both the devout Balinese Hindu as well as travelers. But what some don't realize is that it is a good surf spot as well.

Surf Guide to Bali's Tanah Lot Temple

Bali surf villa spaSurfing at Bali's Stunning Tanah Lot Temple~ Notice the surfers on the left
You can approach the temple in many ways (car, motor bike, taxi, etc.). Simply ask the driver to take you to Pura Tanah Lot. Pay your entry fee at the gate. Note that indonesians go through one gate and pay a greatly reduced fee and Bule (white folk/foreigners) pay a completely different amount. Lets save that debate for another time but Indonesians and especially Balinese deserve to be able to visit their sacred places at a reasonable cost. You will then make your way through a small village that is actually just souvenir stalls. It is seemingly endless but follow the flow of people to the shore.


Bali tour surf spaA lone surfer enjoys the uncrowded sets of Sea Arch at Tanah Lot in Bali
You will see the main temple ahead of you but follow the path along to the right (North) about 250 meters. You will see a natural jetty shaped like an arch (pictured above and below), pointing out to the ocean with another temple at the end of it. Some refer to this as The Bali Sea Arch. Few people know that the Tanah Lot temple was originally connected to the island of Bali with an arch very similar to this but it has been eroded away.


Bali tour surf villaThis surfer can't ask for a more beautiful setting for this epic solo session at Bali's Tanah Lot Temple
Just South of the jetty is the surf break. Please remember, this is a holy temple so be respectful as you change your clothes. 


While it is not Uluwatu or perhaps even in the top five surf breaks of Bali, it is still a great fun wave and is usually uncrowded. I have rarely seen more than two surfers out at any one time. Its a great left and you can score solid waves here year round and at all tides but it works best with a south-southwest swell and the wind east-northeast. The most consistent surf is in the dry season from May to September and offers nice warm offshore breezes. Low and mid-tides are best and it starts working at less than 1 meter.  Mind the rocks and the reef but there is some sand as well.


Bali surfing villa spa tourBali's Sea temple Tanah Lot
Most all surf abilities can catch good waves here and the average ride lenght is 40-100 meters.


Other notable surf breaks in the area include Kedungu Beach, Medewi Front Hotel beach and Nyani beach which is also known as Muara beach.


For more information on the breaks and our surf tours of Bali please contact us directly and for more insider information on surf in Bali, Bali culture and travel tips, be sure to sign up for our award winning newsletter.

See ya in the lineup! 

For the best Bali surf retreats check out Bali Floating Leaf. They know all the best spots, great food, luxurious villas and the price can't be beat.

Related Bali Surf Blog Posts 


Another amazing day of Bali surf at Uluwatu.


Surfing in Bali; Everything you need to know (except a few secrets)




Bali Photo of the Day ~ Surfing perfect barrels at Uluwatu

Perfect waves roll in almost daily at one of Bali's best surf breaks.

One of the most dependable surf spots in all of Indonesia, Uluwatu rarely dissapoints.

Uluwatu ~ Bali's most reliable and spectacular surf break

For more on Uluwatu and surfing in Bali check here.

Happy travels and hollow barrels...


Another amazing day of Bali surf at Uluwatu.

Pura Uluwatu is one of Bali's most striking temples and it looks out onto one of the best known waves in the world. Uluwatu is almost always working as it consists of several breaks next to one another. These include The Racetrack, Temples, The Peak and when its really big, Outside Corner and The Bombie pump as well.
Bali surf villa UluwatuRecognized as one of the best surf breaks in all the world, Uluwatu in Bali never dissapoints.
Uluwatu is in the Southwest tip of Bali on the Bukit Penninsula. Due to its fame and the fact that it almost always has some swell, it can get crowded. Its best to come early and never drop in on the locals. It is an exposed reef break and for experienced surfers only. It can be sketchy as you need to paddle out through a cave and the current is quite strong. Please contact us if you are headed there for the first time as there are many things to know before attempting to surf Uluwatu. 

Bali surf Ketewel villaA surfer shreds Uluwatu's The Peak break in Bali's bukit penninsula.Bring your booties, have a very strong leash and watch the tides and the shallow reef. If you don't want to test yourself, just kick back with a Bintang at one of the restaurants carved into the cliffs for a spectacular view.

surf Bali photography tourA surfer shreds Uluwatu's The Peak break in Bali's bukit penninsula.I am always shocked when I return to Uluwatu as there are now many hotels, villas, restaurants, etc. It was not too many years ago when there was just one place to stay. But surfers want surf and Uluwatu always delivers. We have found an even better place in Sumbawa though and we will be surfing Scar Reef with just a couple friends soon! But don't tell anyone.

I would be remiss to make a blog post on Ulu and not discuss the Temple. So here is one last shot from the Temple above. Want to shoot surf photography? Check out our new photo tours! Just click here.

Bali photography tour surfA monkey ponders the moon at Bali's sacred Uluwatu Temple.

For more photos check out our gallery and let us know what you think!

Have you surfed in Bali? Please leave your comments below. We'd love to hear from you.


Best of Indonesian Surfing Championship Tour Awards

 The crowning of the Coca-Cola ISC Tour surfing champions took place in the Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel in Kuta - Bali, where hundreds of surfers, surf industry members, media, and supporters gathered to celebrate the 7th year of continued growth and success of the ISC and to applaud the achievements of the 2010 ISC champions.

The evening program got started at 8:30 pm with MC Tai Graham welcoming the attendees and introducing ISC CEO Tipi Jabrik, who also welcomed the audience and gave a brief summary of the year's activities, which included sanctioning and running a total of 19 events during 2010.

There were 7 Open/Women/Masters Division events (Oakley, Rusty, Reef, the government of West Java, the government of Rote Ndao, Quiksilver, and Rip Curl), 2 Pro Junior Division events (Billabong and Oakley), 8 Junior Division events (Rusty, Quiksilver and Rip Curl), and 2 Specialty events (Oakley World Pro Junior and Bali International Sport Week) for a total of 19 events.

Next, Jabrik presented appreciation awards to representatives of event sponsors Oakley, Rusty, Reef, the West Java government, the Rote Ndao government, Quiksilver, and Rip Curl, and surf industry supporters Baliwista (Bali Lifeguard Department), the environmental group GUS (Gelomban Udara Segar), and media including SurfTime Magazine, and Magic Wave Surf Community Newspaper.

Finally, Jabrik presented the largest appreciation award to Sri "Ipung" Purwanto, Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia's Corporate Social Responsibility Coordinator. Earlier this year the ISC and CCAI signed a historic 3-year sponsorship agreement, and Mr. Puranto told the audience how pleased he was to be part of this program that is not only helping to grow the sport of surfing in Indonesia but also creating more awareness about the environment and working to clean up Bali's beaches and the ocean.

A buffet dinner followed, during which the audience was treated to a spectacular "Year in Review" video by ISC's videographer Sean Gilhooley.

Then it was on to the crowning of the 2010 Indonesian Surfing champions, with the highlight of the awards being the crowning of 18-year-old Putra Hermawan from Nusa Lembongan as 2010 ISC Open Division Champion. He takes home a check for an unprecedented Rp 100 million (approximately $11,000 USD), the largest amount ever given to an Indonesian surfing champion. He also won the Pro Junior Division Championship (under 21 years of age), for which he received another Rp 5 million ($550 USD). Hermawan was last year's Junior Division Champion as well, so in just two years he has won 3 division titles, indeed an impressive accomplishment.

The Women's Division championship was won by 28 year old Yasnyiar "Bonne" Gea, originally from Nias but now living in Bali, making this her 3rd consecutive ISC Women's Championship title.

Taking the Longboard Division Championship again this year is 29 year old Husni Ridwan from Batu Keras, West Java, and the Masters Division Championship (over 35 years old) was won by Ketut "Kombong" Juliarta in his first season competing as a Master.

Rounding out the awards was 14-year-old Jeren Kiring from Bali hoisting the Junior Division (under 16 years old) Championship trophy. In just two years of competition, this adept young surfer has risen from virtual obscurity to Indonesia's Junior surfing champion. Certainly this won't be the last time this young man will climb on a stage to accept another championship trophy.

With the awards presentations completed, it was straight into the music with the live band Shaggy Dog from Jogjakarta. They treated the audience to just over an hour of their upbeat tunes before calling it a night.

Bali surf, surfing, Tours, Best travel, holiday, sports, award winning, surf spot, waves